我们赢得了 “深圳市创新创业无障碍服务中心 “国际公开赛的二等奖!
Passed the second screening of the international open competition “Shenzhen Accessible Service Center for Entrepreneurship”, and the competition organizer has released it!
提案视频现已限时推出。 敬请收看!
The proposal video is limited open to this homepage. I would like you to see it!
15分 日语・英文字幕 Japanease English Subtitles
5分 日语・英文字幕 Japanease English Subtitles
2020年4月, 深圳 中国
建筑面积 131,257㎡
Shenzhen Accessible Service Center for Entrepreneurship
2020 April, Shenzhen, China
Gross Area 131,257㎡