Cannes Lions/ Product Design 2017 – ORINIGIRI won the Finalist !
‘ORINIGIRI’ won the Finalist of Cannes Lions/ Product Design 2017. Which means ‘ORINIGIRI’ was selected as best 60 in the world. Please see the Shortlist for more details as below.
怎么!折纸饭团入选了Cannes Lions产品设计大奖的决赛!
这个产品设计大奖部门设立于2014年。Cannes Lions对产品设计的定义是,“有助于品牌的宣传,能让人们的生活变得更好,实现乐观的感染力的产品”。…
This product design awards newly established in 2014, the product design in Cannes Lions is “a physical product that brings positive impact that helps brand communication and better people’s lives”. Although Orinigiri has only just begun, thanks to the success of the Orinigiri members, it is going to expand socially in various directions in the future!